
The application TiC -Time in Cologne- was conceived for the purpose of recording and controlling the working hours of student assistants as well as part-time scientific assistants and non-scientific wage earners in the decentralised institutions.

TiC fulfils the recording and documentation obligations of the Act on the Regulation of a General Minimum Wage (so-called Minimum Wage Act) and strengthens the working time economy of employees and costlocations in the facilities of the University of Cologne.

This documentation, which is regularly revised and updated, serves as a guide for users of the public frontend TiC. Feedback on misconduct within the application or your comments on content are always welcome. Simply send them to


The registration at TiC takes place in the university network or via a VPN connection also outside the university.

TiC can only be used by employees of the University of Cologne. Therefore you have to login with your UniKIM-PERSONAL-Account.

If you no longer remember your account or password, please contact the RRZK Helpdesk (

There are 5 role permissions in TiC:

  • Employees who record their working hours with TiC

  • Costlocation manager

  • Deputy manager

  • Super deputy manager

  • Personnel processing

After logging in, users will be given access to their home page with the various functionalities depending on their authorisations.


Fig. 1

Which employees record their working hours with TiC?

The employees who record their working hours with TiC include all those at the facilities of the University of Cologne.

  • employed student assistants (SHK)

  • part-time scientific assistants (WHK and WHB)

  • part-time non-scientific TV-L employees, who do not participate in any existing flexitime model.

Even for WHBs and WHKs that are NOT marginally employed, a working time account with TiC can be maintained at your request. An request to the relevant personnel administrator is required for this. After approval by the Scientific Staff Council, the work account will then be accepted as an additional agreement to the employment contract.

How do I record my working hours?


After logging in, you will be taken to the start page:

2 start view

Fig. 2

Traffic Light

The traffic light shows you visually the current status of your time account. Depending on your plus or minus hours and the remaining contract period, the traffic light can display the colors green, yellow and red.

If the plus or minus hours collected by you exceed the limit at which a reduction of your plus hours or the compensation of your minus hours in the remaining contract period becomes critical, your traffic light changes to the yellow view.

If the accumulated plus or minus hours exceed the limit above which it would no longer be possible to reduce your plus hours or compensate for your minus hours in the remaining contract period, your traffic light changes to red.

You will be informed about the changes in your traffic light status in the TiC mailbox. If the traffic light changes to the red view, your costlocation manager or its deputy and the personnel department receive an automatic notification by e-mail.

Here you will find the table showing when your traffic light status changes.

3 traffic light table

Fig. 3

Example: Max Mustermann has a monthly working time of 44 hours and a remaining contract period of 5 months. His Traffic light is yellow because it is exactly 350% in the plus hours. This 350% results from his carryover from previous month(s): 128 hours, his overtime of the current month: 26 hours, as well as his monthly working time of 44 hours. If he had another hour in this month his traffic light turns red because it’s above 350%.

Previous Occupations

If you have already recorded working times with TiC in the past, you will also be shown a list of previous employment relationships in the home screen.

4 previous deployment

Fig. 4a

By clicking on the Bookings button next to the relevant employment relationship, you can access the monthly overview and view the bookings at that time.

Booking report

Employees can display overviews of their booking activities. The button "booking report" opens a window in which the specific booking period for the desired overview is entered.

5 booking report datepicker

Fig. 5

You will see a listing of each individual booking in the query period appears. This overview can now be printed or saved as a Pdf file.

6 booking report

Fig. 6

Record Working Times

Via the button Let’s go in the block Archive working times it continues into the monthly overview of your working times. Here you can see and enter your working times.

Monthly overview and navigation

Monthly Overview

When you start the application, the system always displays the current booking month.

7 overview month

Fig. 7

The overview starts with the block monthly navigation. Below, the individual calendar weeks of the month are listed in blocks with the working days Monday to Saturday. Days from the previous or following month are highlighted in light blue.

You can recognise bookings that have already been made by the coloured bars in the weekdays. If you move the mouse over one of these bars, the detailed view of the booking opens, showing you the booking date, the booking period, the author, the cost centre and the contractually defined monthly working time for this cost centre.

8 workingweek with mouseover

Fig. 8

Author displays the name of the person who made the booking. This should always be the employee. In special exceptional cases, e.g. in the event of prolonged illness or the expiry of the university account due to resignation, the cost centre management or their deputy can also make bookings for the employee(s) in consultation with them. This is documented in TiC and displayed under author.

Monthly Navigation

The monthly navigation is divided into three parts:

9 month navigation

Fig. 9

On the left-hand side you will find your current monthly balance, your contractually agreed monthly working time and the balance carried forward from the previous month(s).

In the middle of the navigation you can use the right and left arrow keys or the selection field between them to switch to the view of past months or to future monthly views (only months within your employment contract).

To the right of the arrow keys, a color legend shows the different booking types (work: blue, sick: green, parental leave : purple, vacation: orange) as well as the marking colors for holidays: yellow and days from previous and following months: light blue .

Monthly balance

The balance compares your working time already performed in this month (actual time → left) with the contractually agreed working time (target time → right). The balance always shows only the working times performed in the current month.

Carryforward from previous month(s)

Existing plus or minus hours from previous months of the employment relationship are displayed in this field.

Note that your plus or minus hours should not exceed 50% of the monthly working time.

In the example in Fig. 9, the employee has already 87.5 hours, the contractually agreed monthly working time is 82 hours. 13 plus hours were transferred from previous months.

Working hours and breaks

Post working time

The beginning and end of the daily working time is recorded in a 15-minute grid. Click with the mouse button on a grey box in the day on which you want to enter working times. The booking window opens. Enter your working time in the Start and End fields.If you work for several cost centers, select the cost center for which you want to enter the working time.

You can also use the note field to point out special features of your working time posting. If, for example, you have worked for a particularly long time on a particular day or you have worked at a extraordinary time or day, you can enter the reason in the note field (for example, supervisor of exams, organization of a congress).
10 booking form

Fig. 10


The legally prescribed breaks must be observed. For a working time of six to nine hours, a break of at least 30 minutes must be taken. If the working time is more than nine hours, a break of 45 minutes is required.

If you do not leave your workplace or your place of work during a break and do not exceed the legally regulated break times on this day, do not book a break. In this case, a break of 30 minutes is automatically deducted from the attendance time in the TiC recording system for working times of more than six hours and 30 minutes, and a break of 45 minutes for working times of more than 9 hours and 15 minutes.

In the example below, the employee entered working time from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday. The statutory break was deducted from the eight hours. A working time of 7 hours 30 minutes is deducted in the system.
11 workingweek

Fig. 11

If you leave your work center or usage site for a break, enter the start of the break as the end of record. When you return from the break, enter the rest of the working time with start and end as the new time segment. In the following example, the employee worked from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday and left the work center for a break from 12:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Friday.

12 workingweek 2

Fig. 12

If you are a tutor or exercise leader* and you record working hours, please note that the working hours stipulated in your employment contract also include the preparation and follow-up times of the tutorial/exercise leader. In order for your total balance to be correct, you must also record these times in your TiC account as working hours worked.

Booking types

In the booking window, under Status of booking, select Work, Sick or Vacation:


Enter your working times with the status Working.


If you regularly work on the same day of the week (for example, according to a duty roster or other agreements) and are sick on this day, enter the working time that you would have worked with the status Sick.

Maternity / parental leave

If you will not be on duty for a longer period of time due to maternity or parental leave, you can use this booking type to enter your contractual working hours for the months of your absence in TiC in advance. This way, your time account will not slip into a minus balance during your absence and you and your cost center management will not receive automated reminders and warnings due to missing booking activity and/or reaching the red traffic light status.


On days on which you have taken leave, enter the working time that you would have worked with the status Vacation.

TiC does not calculate your holiday entitlement. Information on leave is available on the Human Resources Management pages For support staff, a table is also available there which can be used to calculate holiday entitlement by hours and minutes.

Holidays and work on weekend


If you regularly work on the same weekday (for example, according to a duty roster or other agreements) and a public holiday falls on this weekday, enter the working time that you would have worked with the status Work.

In many university institutions, the working hours of employees (auxiliary staff) are not fixed or allocated to a regular working day. Here the internal regulation often exists that the holiday is credited proportionally to the working time to be performed.

Example: If you normally work 10 hours a week, you can work a fifth of your regular working time - here 2 hours - less in the week in which a holiday is due and enter this in TiC with the status Work.

Please check with your costlocation manager beforehand to find out which holiday regulations apply in your institution.

Working on Saturdays

For reasons of insurance cover, work on Saturdays should only be carried out in consultation with your superiors. You will receive the following information when booking:

Note: You enter working hours for a Saturday. Working hours at the University of Cologne are generally spread over the weekdays Monday to Friday. For insurance reasons, work on Saturdays may only be carried out in consultation with your superiors.

Working on Sundays

Working on Sundays is generally not permitted.


If you are only employed by one costlocation, this is displayed directly in the selection window. If your work is spread over several costlocations, select the costlocation to which you want to post the working time.

What do I have to consider if I work on several costlocations?

If you work on several costlocations:

  • a separate traffic light is displayed for each costlocation in the home screen.

13 traffic lights

Fig. 13

  • a tab is displayed in the monthly overview for each costlocation, which shows you the working time to be performed in hours and %, the monthly balance and your bookings with the respective costlocation. In addition, the "All Costlocations" tab shows you these details for your entire contractual relationship.

14 costlocation tabs

Fig. 14

  • You can enter your working times either in the tab of the respective costlocation where you want to book or in the tab All Costlocations and select the costlocation for which you have worked.

If the recorded working times of two coslocations overlap, you will receive a notification from the system (see Fig. 15). For a better overview, we recommend that you always enter your working times under All Costlocations.
15 intersecting entries

Fig. 15

How do I save, check, change or delete my recorded working times?

After you have filled in all fields in the booking window, confirm your entries by clicking the Save button.

If you click with the mouse on one of your bookings in the monthly overview, the booking window opens again and you can delete or change it.

In the monthly overview you can recognize the last processed booking by the dotted lines.

16 last edited booking

Fig. 16

Report any discrepancies and errors promptly to This is the only way that errors can be traced and still corrected on all interfaces and databases. Correction requests for incorrect booking records that are more than 3 months old will no longer be reworked on the database. In this case, a correction can only be made by posting in the frontend and adjusting the hourly balance (a corresponding note is made via the note field).

When do I record my working hours?

You should record your working times regularly best once a week.

TiC reminds you by automatic mails of your personnel account and your costlocation Deputy manager or costlocation manager, if you have worked longer than have not made any records for two months. After three months of no booking activity you will be asked to record your working times for the last time. This last reminder is now used not only for the costlocation manager but also for your Personnel Administration.

You can record working times up to ten days after the end of a posting month at the latest. The booking window is then closed and you receive the following message:
17 closedbookingwindow


Activation of the booking window

The booking window is displayed if the booking has already been confirmed as plausible and/or if closed in the past few months. You must contact your costlocation manager or their deputy if you want to record or change working times at a later date. They can activate your booking window.

Book for employment relationships that have already ended

After an employment relationship ends, you can do the following Recording working times for one month and ten days at a later date and/or correcting bookings. Also the activation of the booking window by the responsible costlocation manager or their Deputy manager is only possible for one month and 10 days. This applies in case of a change of costlocation as well as in case of contract extensions.

When you leave the University of Cologne completely, your personal account expires on the day following the termination of employment. From then on you will no longer be able to register in TiC and record working hours. Please pay attention to a timely recording of your working times!

Booking into the future

It is technically possible to enter bookings already for the future. This makes sense when booking holiday time or in case of expected illness over a longer period of time. In all other cases, the booking should be made regularly and only after the working time has been completed in TiC.

What happens to my recorded working times?

Your bookings will be checked and confirmed as plausible by your costlocation manager or your deputy.

The recorded working times are stored in the system for two years in accordance with the requirements of the minimum wage law and then deleted.

Who is the costlocation manager in TiC?

Definition of costlocation manager

The costlocation manager is the person to whom the responsibility for resources for a chair, institute, seminar, specialist group or other institution has been transferred according to the costlocation directory of the University of Cologne. As a rule, these are the university professors of the chairs and subject groups or the heads of the central institutions of the university. The costlocation manager does not necessarily have to be the direct superior of the employee. You can find the current list of costlocations in the download section of the Department of Economics and Finance at

How do I become a deputy for one or more costlocations?

Definition of Deputy manager

The costlocation manager can transfer the administration of bookings in TiC to one or more deputies. These can be e.g. the direct superiors of the employees, the secretariats or lines in the business rooms.

Employees who record working hours in TiC can also be appointed as deputies, but they cannot and must not administer their own bookings.

Registration as a deputy

Before you can be nominated as a deputy, you must register with TiC once. Login to TiC with your UniKIM-Personal-Account (username and password) and click on the button Register as deputy.

18a registrationasdeputy

Fig. 18

You will then receive the following message:

19 registrationsuccessful

Fig. 19

How do I become super deputy in TiC?

The role of super deputy manager will be assigned to you by your costlocation manager. This requires your registration and naming as a deputy. Your costlocation manager can then name you as a super deputy manager for the desired costlocations.

Which actions do costlocation manager and (super)deputy carry out in TiC?

View my costlocations

View of costlocation manager and super Deputy manager

With your registration at TiC you reach the overview with all your costlocation.

20 costlocationoverview

Fig. 20

If there was already a "TiC-liable" employment relationship on a costlocation, you will be shown the costlocation in your overview, even if there are currently no "TiC-liable" employees.

View of the deputy

After your registration and successful nomination as a deputy, you will be taken to the overview with your costlocations.

21 deputyoverview

Fig. 21

Name deputy

You can only designate deputy for your costlocations as costlocation manager or Super deputy manager.

Before you can add a person as a deputy manager, that person must register as a deputy manager.

Click on the Administrate deputy button on the start page to access the following view:

22 namedeputy

Fig. 22

In the white bar below the Name field, enter at least the first two letters of the last name of the person you want to name to represent the corresponding costlocation. Select the correct name and confirm the selection by clicking on user plus solid. The Deputy manager is now saved and appears in the table.

You can name several deputies for one costlocation. To do this, repeat the steps described above.

Employees subject to Tic (e.g. WHB) can also be designated as deputies. However, they are not authorized to administer their own bookings.

With trash alt solid you can revoke the authorization of deputies for this costlocation.

Determine a super deputy manager

The super Deputy manager for an account can only be determined by the corresponding account management.

The super deputy manager, like the Job Accounting Manager, is authorized to name or delete other deputies.

By clicking on cog solidlevel up alt solid a Deputy manager for the super Deputy manager is determined. With the mouse click on cog solidlevel down alt solid the super-representation is withdrawn again.

You can recognize the super deputy by the icon user cog solid on the left in the list of deputies.

23 superdeputy LI

Fig. 23

Administrate bookings

Regularly check the postings of employees on your cost center. In particular, in the event of contract extensions or other contract changes - such as changes in working hours and organizational changes - make sure that the employees continue to be correctly represented in your cost center.

Report any discrepancies and errors promptly to This is the only way that errors can be traced and still corrected on all interfaces and databases. Correction requests for incorrect booking records that are more than 3 months old will no longer be reworked on the database. In this case, a correction can only be made by posting in the frontend and adjusting the hourly balance (a corresponding note is made via the note field).

Booking overview of the costlocation

This overview lists all employees of your costlocation who record their working times with TiC.

24 managebookings

Fig. 24

The names of the employees are listed alphabetically. Employees who have not yet registered in TiC and recorded working hours are displayed at the end of the list with bolt solid.

Employees who have already left or moved to another costlocation are only displayed in your overview for one month and ten days. After that, no more months can be opened or closed for these employees and marked as plausible.

The following is a detailed explanation of the booking overview from left to right:

25 managebookings2

Fig. 25

E-mail to employees

Under the name of the employee you will find the symbol envelope regular. With a mouse click you will be forwarded to your e-mail program with the e-mail address of the employee filled in beforehand, so that you can contact your employees directly and quickly (e.g. if you have questions about bookings).


The star star regular next to the name indicates whether you have marked the employee(s) as a favorite. Favorites are preferably listed first in your costlocation overview.

Click on star regular and the star will be filled in: star solid. The employee is now displayed at the top of the list. By clicking on the star again, the marking can be reset.

If you mark several employees as favourites, they will be listed in alphabetical order at the beginning of the overview.

The favorites function is particularly useful for large costlocation with a large number of employees. In this way, you can distribute the administration of the employees among several deputies and each deputy can have its employees displayed first in the overall overview using the favorites function.

Use the favorite switch toggle on solid and toggle off solid. You will then only receive the automatic e-mails of your employees marked with star solid. For more information, please refer to the chapter Receive automated e-mails only to employees with a favorite star - Favorites switch.
End of contract

The date next to the star regular indicates the end of the current contract of the employee(s).

In addition, an automatically generated e-mail will inform you six weeks before the end of your employment that the contract is about to expire.
Traffic light symbol

The traffic light symbol then shows you the current status of the time account of the employees. The hours next to it form the current balance with the Plus or minus hours. If the accumulated plus or minus hours exceed the limit, in which a reduction or compensation of the hours in the remaining contract period is critical. or is no longer possible, the traffic light changes to the yellow or red view. In these cases, you and the employee must take measures to ensure that the hours are can be made up for or compensated in good time. Further information on the calculation of the traffic light status can be found under How do I record my working hours? explained in more detail.

Booking months

To the right of the traffic light is a list of the previous contract months and the current booking month of the employee(s). You will see on the left the hours worked (actual time), in the middle in orange the vacation hours taken in the month and on the right the contractual working time (target time) of the month.

According to the minimum wage law, past contract months are displayed for a maximum of two years and then deleted from the overview.

Promotions and initial carryforward

On the far right in the costlocation overview, the two symbols calendar regular or calendar check regular and lock solid or lock open solid are displayed. with which you can perform the following actions:

Check action balance and confirm as plausible

You confirm the monthly balance of an employee with two mouse clicks as plausible. With a click on the lock open solid after the booking month, the lock will lock an lock solid. The employee can now no longer record working times in this booking month. An empty calendar page calendar regular also appears in the view. By a further click on the now displayed calendar page calendar regular you declare the hours worked by the employee as plausible. Now you get this view: calendar check regular. The Minimum Wage Act does not stipulate specific deadlines or other requirements as to when or how often the recorded working hours of employees subject to TiC should be checked and released. It is recommended that cost center managers and their deputies check the times of their employees subject to tic once a month, preferably on the month following the booking month, and confirm them as plausible.

If changes are still necessary after your confirmation, you can reopen the lock and the corresponding month by clicking lock solid and cancel your confirmation of previous bookings.

Before you confirm the hours of your employees, you can view the individual working time bookings in more detail by clicking on the booking month.

26 bookingdetails

Fig. 26

You are now taken to the monthly overview of your employee. You will find the structure and explanations of the view in the chapter month overview and navigation.

In principle, the working time, illness or the employee(s) themselves. In exceptional cases, however, you may want to make bookings yourself.

Action: Open and close booking months

Employees subject to TiC are required to record their working hours until the tenth day of the following month. After that the booking window closes and no more bookings can be made. Has an employee missed the period described? you can reopen the booking window for the employee by clicking on lock solid. The employee can now add or correct working times.

After the changes have been made, you can reopen the booking window by clicking on the lock open solid again. and then click on the calendar page to mark the entry for the corrected month as plausible.

Initial carryover

With the click on the button Initial carry the possibility exists, to deposit already existing plus and minus hours of your employees in TiC. You will only use this function to start the application in 2020, or if the WHB and WHK are not yet TiC-liable, during their of the current employment relationship decide to voluntarily participate in TiC.

In the Initial Carryover window, select the type of carryover (time credit or time debt). Hours and minutes can be set to the right. Then click on Save.

When the transfer is saved, it will be saved at the beginning of the TiC of this costlocation.
27 initialcarryover

Fig. 27

Who is the personnel administrator?


In TiC, only the personnel administrator who take care of the personnel matters of TiC-liable employees are regarded as authorized personnel administrators.


In justified cases, personnel processing can view the booking view of the costlocation and the monthly overview of employees. Reasonable cases include, for example, upcoming terminations of the employment relationship, employee inquiries about the working time account, or a change to the red traffic light status. The reason for the inspection is queried via a dialog and saved in TiC.

Automatic e-mails and notifications

TiC informs the different role holders by automatic mails as well as mailbox notifications in the following cases:

E-mails to employees

Employees receive the following notifications via their personal e-mail address:

  • Reminder of imminent termination of employment relationship six weeks before end of contract

  • Note at the beginning of the employment about the recording obligation in the TiC application

  • Reminder of the obligation to record missing bookings for more than two months

  • renewed and final reminder of the obligation to keep records in the event of missing bookings for more than three months

  • Invitation to register in the TiC application on the 8th day after the start of employment subject to TiC.

  • second request to register in the TiC application on the 15th day after the start of TiC-liable employment.

  • third and final invitation to register in the TiC application on the 21st day after the start of TiC-liable employment.

  • Reaching the red traffic light phase due to exceeding the maximum time credit

  • Reaching the red traffic light phase due to exceeding the maximum time debt

E-mails to costlocation manager and (super-)deputies

The costlocation lines or their (super-)deputies receive the following notifications via their Uni-Email address:

  • Copy of the e-mail to the employee as a reminder of the imminent termination of the employment relationship six weeks before the end of the contract.

  • Copy of the e-mail to the employee reminding him/her of the obligation to keep records in the event of missing bookings for more than two months.

  • Copy of the e-mail to the employee for the last time reminding him/her of the obligation to keep records in the event of missing bookings for more than three months.

  • Copy of the e-mail to the employee requesting the second time to register in the TiC application.

  • Copy of the mail to the employee for the third and final request to register in the TiC application.

  • Copy of the mail to the employee to reach the red traffic light phase due to exceeding the maximum time credit.

  • Copy of the mail to the employee to reach the red traffic light phase due to exceeding the maximum time debt.

Receive automated e-mails only to employees with a favorite star - Favorites switch

You will find the "Favorites Switch" functionality in the upper right corner of the booking overview for your cost center.

28 favorites switch

Fig. 28

The use of the Favorite Switch function is always useful if you have several (super) substitutes to administer your TiC-obligated employees. By clicking on the button, it changes from toggle off solid to toggle on solid. You will now only receive the automated e-mails of your employees for whom you have set a favorite star.

Please note the following:

If you have activated the favorites switch but have not declared any employees of the cost center as favorites, you will still receive the emails for all employees of the cost center.

If you use the favorites switch with several (super-)deputies, make sure that all employees of the cost center have been declared favorites by at least one substitute. This is because the automatic e-mails to employees who have not been assigned a favorite star by any of the substitutes will continue to go to all substitutes (or the cost center management).

When changing the deputy authorizations, please remember that the favorites may have to be reassigned.

E-mails to the HR department

Personnel administration receives the following notifications:

  • Copy of the mail to the employee for the third and last request to log on to the TiC application.

  • Copy of the mail to the employee to reach the red traffic light phase due to exceeding the maximum time credit.

  • Copy of the mail to the employee to reach the red traffic light phase due to exceeding the maximum time debt.

  • Copy of the e-mail to the employee of the third and last request to register in the TiC application on the 21st day after the start of the employment subject to TiC.

View with mobile devices

Employees can also make their bookings with their mobile devices (smartphone or tablet) in TiC. The prerequisite for this is that they are logged on to the Uni-WLAN or via VPN access.


After 30 minutes of inactivity, TiC will automatically log you out of the application. You can also log out yourself using the arrow icon in the top bar.


Fig. 29


Questions about starting with TiC

  1. Why is there a button missing from the home page that says go?

    If you can log in to TiC, but the start page is empty, this can have several reasons. First, make sure that you have logged in with your personal account and not with your student account. If the start page is still empty, this means that the system has never received any contract data for you. This may be due to the fact that your employment relationship does not fall under the minimum wage law, in which case you do not have to document your working time with TiC. If you fall under the MiLoG and your start page is still empty, please contact

  2. Why can’t I register with TiC?

    Make sure that you have entered the correct username and password. If you already retired from your employment and no longer an employee at the University of Cologne, you can no longer log into TiC. For subsequent time recording, please contact your costlocation manager or his/her deputy.

  3. Who is responsible for my costlocation?

    The head of the costlocation is usually the head of the institute or institution. They can appoint deputies. Who takes over the Deputy manager for your costlocation, can be inquired in the secretariat of your institute or with

  4. What do I do if I do not have costlocation manager?

    Do you want to be assigned as a deputy to a specific costlocation that does not currently have a If you have a costlocation manager, please contact

Questions for cost center managers and their deputies

  1. How do I become a deputy for a costlocation?

    To become a deputy for a costlocation, you must register as a Deputy your proxy. This function is located on your home page. Please contact your representative afterwards. Costlocation managers or super deputies to enable them to to represent a costlocation. You can find more detailed information in the chapter How do I become a deputy for one or more costlocations?.

  2. Why can’t an employee be found in the overview of the corresponding costlocation?

    Only "TiC-liable" employees are displayed in the costlocation overview. Those are listed in the chapter Which employees record their working hours with TiC?. Employees who have left or moved to another costlocation are deleted from the costlocation overview after one month. If all this is not the case, please contact

  3. Why is an employee listed in my booking overview, who is unknown to me or does not belong to my costlocation?

    In this case, please contact

  4. Can I print or save overviews of bookings of my employees from TiC?

    Only employees themselves can create an overview of the individual bookings from TiC. This functionality is not provided for the cost center managers and their deputies.

Questions about booking

  1. Why is no costlocation displayed to me when booking?

    There are two options here. Option A: Please make sure that you do not try to make bookings one day in the future. Booking in the future is not possible. In your individual case, an incorrect data transfer from SAP may have occurred. Please contact for further information. Option B: No more contract data will be transferred to the TiC application for you as a WHB/WHK/tariff employee because your earnings now exceed the mini-job limit of 450,-€ due to an increase in working hours, remuneration or tariff in the current month. This means that you no longer belong to the group of employees who must record their working hours with the TiC application.

  2. What do I do if I forget to book by the tenth day of the following month?

    Please contact your costlocation manager or their deputy to activate the booking window.

  3. How do I book hours on a public holiday?

    You book the number of hours, that you would have worked on that day as agreed under the status Work, not Leave. The proportionate crediting of work on public holidays within your weekly working time is shown in the various equipment is handled differently. You can find more details in the chapter How do I record my working hours? in the subchapter Holidays and work on weekend.

  4. How much vacation do I get?

    TiC is a pure time recording tool and serves as an overview of your hours account. The application does not calculate your vacation! To calculate your vacation days you are entitled to, visit the website of the University of Cologne at the following link:

  5. How can I subsequently record or edit working times for a terminated employment relationship?

    You can enter or edit working hours for a period of up to one month and ten days after the end of an employment relationship. Recording and Editing Working Times. This period has expired, in the event of a contract extension on the same costlocation. only by the cost location manager or their deputies. In the case of a new contract on a different costlocation please contact your personnel officer. Further information can be found in chapter When do I record my working hours?

  6. How can I print or save an overview of my bookings from TiC?

    You can find information about this in the Booking report chapter.

Questions about traffic light and balance

  1. Why is my balance not correct?

    An incorrect balance in the booking overview can result from incorrect contract data. In this case, these must be corrected manually. Please contact for further information.

  2. Why is my traffic light red?

    The color of your traffic light changes depending on the ratio of your hourly balance and the remaining contractual term in months. You can read more about this in the Chapter How do I record my working hours? read the subchapter Traffic Light.

Questions about contract data

  1. Why does TiC show a contract term until 30.09. although my contract runs until 31.12.?

    Your data maintained in Personnel Management is imported into the TiC application every night and shows the status of the currently valid contract. Presumably your contract valid until 30.09. was adjusted due to a change in working hours and at the same time extended beyond the originally planned term until 31.12. This future period can only be displayed by TiC as of 01.10.

Questions about absences

  1. My employee has been ill for a long time and as cost center manager or deputy I continue to receive automated mails for this person.

    In this exceptional case, enter the contractual working times for your employee(s) for the months of absence in TiC with the booking type sick, then no further warning emails will be sent due to the cleared balance.

  2. My employee is on maternity or parental leave and, as cost center manager or deputy, I continue to receive automated mails for this person.

    In this exceptional case, enter the contractual working times for your employee for the months of absence in TiC with the booking type maternity protection and parental leave, then no further warning mails will be sent because of the cleared balance.

  3. Due to upcoming maternity or parental leave I will not be entering any working hours in TiC for a longer period of time. What do I have to consider as an employee subject to TiC?

    Ask the employee to take the following steps or take them yourself in consultation with the employee. In addition, observe all the information recorded in the Maternity / parental leave chapter.

  4. Why am I receiving warning emails fromTiC asking me to make bookings even though I have entered times?

    You have probably entered planned working times in the TiC application in advance over several months. Please check in the booking detail view when you have made entries. You will find more details in the chapters Monthly Overview and Booking into the future.